Apr 21, 2023

In Vietnam, every year, thousands of students have to temporarily halt their education due to difficult family circumstances. Most of these students are unaware of suitable scholarship opportunities or feel insecure about their abilities, thinking they may not excel enough to be awarded any scholarship. This leads to passive and unprepared students who lack the readiness to embark on their "scholarship hunting" journey. Consequently, the "SIS - Scholarship Information for Students" project was established with the aim of providing information and knowledge about scholarships, inspiring students to continue striving and pursuing their educational paths.
Through a series of posts on various short-term and long-term scholarships, sharing experiences from students who have received scholarships, the project aims to equip students with the knowledge and tools needed to confidently proceed on their educational journey.
At the conclusion of the project, the team successfully organized two webinars on the topic of scholarships, helping students gain access to information on various types of scholarships and learn how to submit scholarship applications. Additionally, SIS searched, compiled, and shared over 20 articles on both short-term and long-term scholarships, reaching 160,000 project engagements across media channels. This significantly contributed to helping students become aware of available support resources.