Jul 21, 2024

On the afternoon of Sunday, July 21, as part of the Mentor Sharing program by VietSeeds, an online discussion on the topic "Studying Abroad After Undergraduate" successfully took place under the lead of Ms. Le Thi Binh, Coordinator of the Extracurricular Program at the Vinschool Education System.
With 15 years of experience in Development and Education at non-governmental organizations and schools, along with over 5 years of consulting on studying abroad and career guidance, Ms. Binh has helped hundreds of students develop their profiles and apply for scholarships to study abroad in countries such as the United States, the United Kingdom, and Australia. Notably, Ms. Binh also received the prestigious Chevening scholarship from the UK government for her Master's degree in Education Management during the 2016 - 2017 academic year.
During the sharing session, Ms. Binh provided detailed information about studying abroad by answering questions and concerns from the students. She skillfully guided them through various perspectives and personal experiences to help the students better understand the preparation process for studying abroad, based on the following keywords: Why - the reasons why is it necessary/important to study abroad; When - the right time to study abroad; What - what needs to be prepared for studying abroad; Where - destinations for studying abroad; and How - ways to prepare study abroad documents.
Hopefully, Ms. Binh's sharing has helped the students alleviate their worries about preparing for studying abroad, while also providing additional motivation and confidence for the journey of exploring new things ahead. VietSeeds sincerely extends our appreciation to Ms. Binh for her support in this program.