Nov 16, 2024

On the weekend of November 16-17, VietSeeds successfully organized two Kick Off - Interview & Team Forming sessions in Ho Chi Minh City and Hanoi, with the participation of the RISERs 2025 under the guidance of Ms. Nguyen Thi Phuong Thao - Project Manager of VietSeeds, as well as the enthusiastic presence and support of the coaches from various departments.
In Ho Chi Minh City, the Kick Off event to launch the program left a strong impression under the leadership of Ms. Phuong Thao and the coach team. The warm-up activity was handled in a lively atmosphere as groups created their slogans within only 10 minutes, leading to some impressive ones such as "Nhân sự siêu đẳng - Nghề nghiệp siêu đỉnh (Great staff, Top-notch careers)" from the HR department. Next up, during the interview session the next afternoon, the RISERs had the opportunity to practice, learn, and express themselves through the thoughtful feedback and comments from the coaches, showcasing their potential, creativity, and connecting with those seniors.
The activities continued in the capital city of Hanoi with similar content. Ms. Phuong Thao, representing the Organizing Committee and also the host of the program, conveyed the inspiring message of RISE - "Sẵn sàng (Ready) - Sung sức (Energetic) - Sung sướng (Happy)", igniting confidence and commitment among the participants. In the first 10 minutes of the session, inspiring slogans emerged: "Sales là chiến, chiến là thắng (Sales is a battle, winning is a victory)", "(Marketing thật xinh, Marketing lung linh (Marketing is beautiful, marketing is brilliant)", etc. In the second part of the event, each RISER participated in interviews with their departments, receiving detailed and useful feedback, thereby gaining a better understanding of their potential as well as valuable experiences.
The highlight of the program was the dissemination of general information about RISE 2025, including notable points and differences compared to previous years:
- Mission : To cultivate self-awareness in students before entering the job market by providing simulated business models, case study solutions, and training.
- 4 main event objectives : Case study, Training, Lifestyle workshop, Company tour.
- The company model RISE (including CEO, advisory board, heads of department, and staff).
- The role of Coaches : To help RISERS understand themselves and their job positions within each department.
- RISERs will experience the 3S state: SẴN SÀNG - SUNG SỨC - SUNG SƯỚNG (Ready - Energetic - Happy) upon completing the three phases of the program.
In addition, there were also updates about the Certificate structure, Top RISERs Award, and Top Dept Award. Especially, RISERs had the opportunity to listen to heartfelt shares from the Coaches, who will accompany them on this new and exciting path.
VietSeeds would like to express sincere appreciation to Ms. Phuong Thao, the Coaches, and all the students who participated in this recent occasion. Hopefully, this Kick Off - Interview & Team Forming session has helped RISERs better understand the goals, mission, and the practicality that RISE brings, providing them with motivation to achieve deserving results in the upcoming journey!