Jun 09, 2024


On June 9th, the "Problem-Solving Skills" training session successfully took place with the participation of RISERS in Ho Chi Minh City under the guidance of Ms. Vo Thi Phuong Thao - a familiar Trainer and also the Coach of the Human Resources department within the framework of VietSeeds RISE program.

During the training session, the students warmed up with light exercises as a spiritual therapy to help improve their mood, enabling them to participate more effectively in subsequent activities. Through devoted and practical sharing of Ms. Thao, they got to understand clearly about problem-solving skills, to recognize the current situation and the solutions proposed based on human instinct. Therefore, they learned how to be aware of the importance of having systematic skills in problem-solving and to enhance themselves further with courage when facing difficulties.

As for more details, the two most basic principles for solving problems effectively are using logical thinking and brainstorming methods. Ms. Thao has analyzed these principles with RISERs and provided necessary observations, such as creating a comfortable atmosphere for sharing opinions without judgment, having clear goals, taking thorough notes, etc. Step by step, the students also identified the 4 main stages in solving a problem, which are : identifying the problem - identifying the root cause - finding a solution - implementing the solution. When successfully reaching the final act, Ms. Thao introduced the PDCA models along with building a to-do list including priority categories to ensure that solutions are carried out accurately and make timely adjustments if necessary to achieve the initial goal.

The training ended with the students gaining more useful knowledge about problem-solving skills, as well as providing an opportunity for practical application in real-life situations to better understand the conveyed lessons. Hopefully, the session has somewhat helped them to be more advantageously prepared for the upcoming Case Study presentation. Once again, VietSeeds sincerely appreciates the companionship of Ms. Thao together with her valuable and interesting contributions to the students.
